Helping & Healing Professionals

Learn more about my group and individual offerings for helpers and healers below.


Restorative Music & Imagery online workshop for helpers & healers

We’ll come together on Zoom for an hour of grounding, music and creative exploration of our internal resources and strengths.

Next workshop date: TBD

Send me a message to get on the interest list!


Connecting to Our Clients Through Song Listening
online self-study CEU course 

Songs resonate deeply through our lives – and our clients’ lives – and are intimately connected to emotions, thoughts, and memories.

This online self-study course explores various types of songs, the practice of mindful listening, and how songs can be a powerful tool for deepening therapeutic insight and connection with clients.

This self-study course is worth one (1) self-study CEU credit for LCATs in New York state.


Clinical Supervision for Therapists

I specialize in working with music therapists in the areas of geriatrics, mental health, and autism/developmental disabilities - I have a particular passion for integrating improvisation with these populations, especially with those living in long-term care facilities.

As a long-time vocalist, I also provide supervision for music therapists who would like to feel more confident with using their voices clinically. 

I also provide supervision/consultation for other therapists (creative arts, talk-oriented psychotherapists & others) who are interested in connecting to their own creativity as a way to deepen their clinical work. 

I have extensive post-graduate training and 10+ years of diverse clinical experience in a range of approaches from behavioral to psychodynamic, and can help you hone your own clinical style and intuition.

Clinical supervision sessions available in both single-session and ongoing formats.


Reclaim Your Rhythm consultation for helpers & healers

These focused conversations are individually crafted to help you move through stuck places that keep you from showing up as a grounded and confident helper/healer.

In our time together, we’ll weave together mindfulness, gentle inquiry and creative methods (like Music & Imagery) to help you address things like:

  • sustainable and simple self-care

  • building a business/practice that feels good to you

  • moving from “I don’t do this for the money” to “I deserve to be well-paid for my work”

  • accessing your inner resources in consistent and enjoyable ways

Reclaim Your Rhythm consultations are available in both single session & ongoing formats


Reclaim Your Rhythm Workshops 

Maya's signature Reclaim Your Rhythm workshops are your invitation to root back in and connect to yourself as a rhythmic being and reconnect with your breath and body.


Maya’s workshop is lovely…These are wonderful ways to explore transference issues, I feel I have an entirely new way to experience this with my clients…I am leaving with a renewed interest in song listening as a way to connect with clients. I also have some practical tools that I can use. I highly recommend this workshop!
— Marcia Wooden, LCAT, MT-BC
I loved the linking between music, right brain, and emotional expression…I loved this course, the content inspired me.
— Susan Leopold MA, MPS, MSW, RP, RSW, ATR
Very informative, well organized and included an listening experiential which was fantastic…I don’t often take the time to stop, ground myself and just listen to the music. I will definitely now be much more mindful.
— Patricia Licari-Kaiser CMT, LCAT